Giving An Answer

Giving an Answer

Ministering to a fallen world.

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Plato vs. Aquinas

Plato lived from approximately 428-328 B.C. in ancient Greece. He was the student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle. St. Thomas Aquinas lived from A.D. 1224-1274, during the medieval period. Although separated by more than fifteen hundred years, few philosophers have had as much impact on western thought as these two men. Both introduced revolutionary ideas in the study of reality and knowledge. The purpose of this article is to present and compare the metaphysics and epistemology of Plato and St. Thomas Aquinas.

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The Nature of Philosophy

The topic of philosophy has intimidated many throughout modern history.  Many believe that it is reserved for the intellectually superior; that it is a discipline studied by a club of exclusive members of academia, with little or no practical value to the general masses or everyday life.  In reality, many people simply do not know what philosophy is and how it applies to them.

The purpose of this article is to define and explain philosophy.  It will also discuss some of the main issues of philosophy and the questions that it seeks to answer.

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Atonement in the Word of Faith Movement

The Faith movement has introduced cultic teaching about the sacrifice of Jesus and diminished His finished work.  This paper will first explore the orthodox view of atonement and then examine the origins of the Faith movement and its views on atonement.  The paper will conclude with an analysis of the Faith movement’s theology on the atonement in light of the Bible and reason.

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The Deity of Jesus

There are those who deny the Deity of Christ.  Of those, there are some who believe in the inerrant Word of God, yet allege that Jesus Himself never claimed to be God.  Those who would make such a claim are simply wrong.  Either they have never read the New Testament or simply refuse to acknowledge the abundance of evidence of Jesus’ claims of Divinity.

This paper will demonstrate that Jesus certainly did claim to be God; both indirectly and directly.  The scope of this study will be on the Gospel of John and deal with the direct saying of Jesus as recorded by His apostle John.

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The Evolution of the Qur’an

Islam maintains that the Qur’an that we have is the unalterable word of God.  It is now exactly what it has always been.  Muslims use this as a proof that the Qur’an and the Qur’an alone is inspired and that only the Qur’an has been saved from human corruption.  Allah personally preserved the text as his true, eternal, and perfect testimony.  This article will demonstrate that the text of the Qur’an is neither eternal nor perfect.  Instead, it is a book of purely human origins, evolving over a period of time.

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The Qur’an: Heavenly or Human?

Islam maintains that the Qur’an that we have is the unalterable word of God. It is now exactly what it has always been. Muslims use this as a proof that the Qur’an and the Qur’an alone is inspired and that only the Qur’an has been saved from human corruption. Allah personally preserved the text as his true, eternal, and perfect testimony. This article will demonstrate that the text of the Qur’an is neither true, eternal, nor perfect. Instead, it is a book of purely human origins, evolving over a period of time.

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Darwinism and Racism

In this paper, I intend to expose Darwinism as being even more racist than their accusations against Christianity.  I will look at the seed of scientific racism as planted by Charles Darwin and how that seed matured into full blown racism. I will also examine and contrast the theological consequences of Darwinian evolution with the theological consequences of God’s existence as our Intelligent Designer, as it relates to racism.

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Proving the Bible is Divine By Examining Its Prophetic Writings

The Bible contains numerous prophesies about events far into the future-events verified by historical evidence. As a matter of fact, the Bible contains 1,817 prophecies. Twenty-seven percent of the Bible is prophecy! Other religions do not have specific, repeated, and unfailing fulfillment made many years in advance of contingent events over which the predictor had no control.

In an effort to prove this, I selected a number of predictions from the Bible, made by prophets who claimed to be speaking from God. These predictions cover a wide range of topics. All the events are verified as historical events hundreds and thousands of years after the predictions. Additionally, I validate these events with historical, secular, non-Biblical sources.

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